
Mixed writing behaviour

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi Devran, could you help me to understand, is it intended writing behaviour that divides writing with bits and bytes?

For example:

var bin = Binary(bytes: [])
bin.writeBit(bit: 1)

I would expect the binary is 0b1000_0100_0000_0000 - padded with zeros to the end of the byte.
The Actual result is 0b1000_0000_0000_1000 - written byte adde as next but bit cursor still points to the position '1'.

Cosmo commented

Hi @aserdobintsev,
to be honest I always wondered what the best result might look like — and never had a good answer.

In the end I thought:
Every time I write a bit, I should also fill up the other remaining 7 bits in order to get predictable results and be able to add other bytes.

Does that makes sense? 🤔