Build blockchain applications in Swift on top of the Tendermint consensus. swift-abci
uses SwiftNIO as its server core.
- Swift version: 5.3.x
- SwiftNIO version: 2.0.x
- ABCI version: 0.33.8 (tendermint 0.33.8-1a8e42d)
Requires macOS or a variant of Linux with the Swift 5.3.x toolchain installed.
In your Package.swift
file, add the repository as a dependency as such:
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "swift-abci-app",
products: [
.executable(name: "swift-abci-app", targets: ["swift-abci-app"]),
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0")),
targets: [
name: "swift-abci-app",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "ABCI", package: "ABCI"),
.product(name: "ABCINIO", package: "ABCI"),
- Import ABCI and ABCINIO
import ABCI
import ABCINIO
- Define a class complying to the
final class Application : ABCIApplication {
func info(request: RequestInfo) -> ResponseInfo {
func initChain(request: RequestInitChain) -> ResponseInitChain {
func query(request: RequestQuery) -> ResponseQuery {
func beginBlock(request: RequestBeginBlock) -> ResponseBeginBlock {
func checkTx(request: RequestCheckTx) -> ResponseCheckTx {
func deliverTx(request: RequestDeliverTx) -> ResponseDeliverTx {
func endBlock(request: RequestEndBlock) -> ResponseEndBlock {
func commit() -> ResponseCommit {
- Implement the relevant Tendermint ABCI callbacks
See the example app ABCICounter
. Check the abci spec for more details.
- Inititialize
, with the application:
let server = NIOABCIServer(application: Application())
- Start the server
try server.start()
- Compile and run
swift run swift-abci-app
- Run Tendermint
Initialise and run Tendermint (for instance in Docker):
# initialise tendermint
docker run -it --rm -v "/tmp:/tendermint" tendermint/tendermint:v0.33.8 init
# update the default config to allow tendermint to listen on 26657 from the localhost
sed 's/' /tmp/config/config.toml > /tmp/delme
rm /tmp/config/config.toml
mv /tmp/delme /tmp/config/config.toml
# run a single tendermint node
docker run -it --rm -v "/tmp:/tendermint" -p "26656-26657:26656-26657" tendermint/tendermint:v0.33.8 node --proxy_app="tcp://host.docker.internal:26658"
Pre requisites: protoc
with the swift generation plugin is installed on your system (
For protoc swift plugin information:
Update the types.pb.swift
update the proto file (and possibly its import dependencies) from
and put it in./protobuf/...
From the protobuf directory:
protoc --swift_opt=FileNaming=PathToUnderscores --swift_out=./../Sources/ABCI/Protobuf -I=./ $(find . -iname "*.proto")
- run
swift build
The docs for the latest tagged release are always available at the wiki.
For bugs or feature requests, file a new issue.
For all other support requests, please email
SemVer changes are documented for each release on the releases page.
Check out for more information on how to help with swift-abci.
Check out CONTRIBUTORS.txt to see the full list. This list is updated for each release.