
need ability to move pages to different URL

Closed this issue · 4 comments

may have to move pages to a different URL.

If so consider the impact on the background etherpads and the index records which currently relate their ID to the URL. Perhaps should drop this, but consider the ramifications first.

There are already a few pages where I'd like to move them to a new URL but maintain a redirect in case anyone has cached old links. That would be, all round, a nifty feature.

decision made to change etherpad page IDs to uuids instead of forms of the URL. then just add a page setting option to change the page URL. But check for overwriting pre-existing URLs in that case - flash if replacing.

pages now have url settings and can be changed. no redirects in place yet. also, no checking for overwriting, but it will not actually overwrite - just generates two pages with same url. there is a dedupe catch in the display, needs a bit more work.