
media gallery functionality

Closed this issue · 7 comments

the media gallery already exists and can have stuff drag and dropped into it, but there is no functionality going from it into pages.

each page can have its own gallery, and that should be either on the top or down the right of the page. it should be possible to drag from the "main" media gallery into the page media gallery, or into the page content box, resulting in the dragged file being embedded in said page content / gallery.

Updates to the page gallery should trigger an update to the page record, there is already a media key in that record, and it should contain a list of the item in the page.

The drag-and-drop functionality doesn't work on my particular set-up: Chrome and OS X

Also, the "Manual Upload" button doesn't do anything, so currently not possible to upload media through the UI

In addition, the pop-up media gallery behaves erratically. It is quite jerky to use, I find, and also randomly closes itself when I'm looking at it.

Wait! The drag and drop upload does seem to work, but there's no indication that it has worked, or where your file is once it has been uploaded.

Various issues I've had with the media gallery:

  • it layers itself over the top of the thing that you are working on, meaning you can't necessarily see the place where you intended to put the media
  • scrolling in the media gallery scrolls the page, so when browsing the gallery you can't look at any of the text that you're planning to insert it into. You also have to scroll back up to start editing again
  • clicking on something in the media gallery opens it, rather than inserts it into the post

It would be useful if the media gallery could be viewed as a list, or at least sorted by date so that it is easy to find stuff that you have just put in there - at the moment it doesn't seem to display in chronological order and it can be time-consuming to have to search through it for stuff.

Yes, media gallery display needs some improvements, which will be worked on at some point. However note for the time being that you do not need to search through it for stuff you have just uploaded. If you upload a file called pic.jpg then it is available at /media/pic.jpg

This has been simplified. Upload now refreshes the page and adds the uploaded document to the list. The list is alphabetical. Search for your document in the list to confirm it is there. Delete things that are no longer needed.