
Changing page title does not update navigation

Closed this issue · 6 comments

For example, I just changed the title of the VOLD page to The Value of Local Developers, which has stuck in the settings metadata, but has not changed how the page is presented in the navigation.

you have to update the sitemap to change the navigation. under the options menu, choose manage sitemap, and on that page hit the "update sitemap" button on the top of the page. let me know if you cant see that - maybe it is for superuser only, in which case I can change it or trigger nav updates on title changes

Hm, no I don't see that option. Can you either make my account a super-user, or make it available to all logged in users? Or make the navigation change in-line with the page title - whatever works best

I have updated the sitemap page to show the update button to all logged in users. could still consider triggering update on title change. other things like listing the title trigger the update so it is not hard, just not done.

I can now see the button, but when I hit it I get an error telling me to log in

oops, forgot to change auth checks on the backend side. should work now.

closing this ticket and referring instead to #22 where nav functionality is being redesigned.