
Mouse click to un-highlight search terms does not work

Closed this issue · 3 comments

When you click in the search box, the search terms are highlighted, which means if you start typing you type over what was there before. If you click in the search box, to unhighlight it, it is very very very briefly unhighlighted and then it is highlighted again. You have to press an arrow key to unhighlight the text so that you can append to it.

ok, we should perhaps drop the full highlight on first entry anyway, then people could easier append to custom search terms.

sure, whatever works best in terms of usability. My issue is not so much with the behaviour as the asymmetry between use of the keyboard (which does un-highlight) and use of the mouse (which doesn't); the ideal is to have it all behave the same as the keyboard.

strange buggyness could not be eradicated, so changed to not do it. double click to select all if required.