
popup tags during search only appear when scrolled right to the top of the page

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If you click in the search box, then a big black bar with all of our tags in it appears, if you are scrolled right to the top of the page (can see the cottage labs top-strap).

If you are scrolled down the page, you don't get the same functionality

indeed. I only enabled it to display when at the top, because otherwise we have to change the lower page layout, contrary to your desire to not alter page layout when you do stuff on the page. do you think we should have this functionality at all times? if so, how best to combat the movement necessary at the top of the page?

Not sure, will have a think

i have a solution. when the menu bar is pinned to the top e.g. when you are further down the page (or when you are viewing on a small screen device), we can populate a suggestions list for the search bar so when you type you see a list of interesting tags. that way, you get to see all the useful tags in both situations, but we make the best use of screen space in each case.

working on this. have put in code that can do autocomplete on the search box itself. now working to combine this with the expanding top option - e.g. show autocomplete options in expanding top when it is available, otherwise just show as a normal autocomplete list.

entire thing reverted to simple autocomplete