
Copy and paste from Word character encoding issues

Closed this issue · 2 comments

When copy and pasting from a word document into the pad, a number of character encoding issues occur. The ones that I've noticed so far are with apostrophes and hyphens, which both get rendered as an a with a hat on it.

In fact, these character encoding issues are all over the site already, I'm not sure if they were introduced during the migration, or if they existed before hand.

which ones were on the site already? that should not happen. but if you do copy and paste from word then you will get this, because word does not use standard format for apostrophes, hyphens etc. if people were doing this on the old site, then we will already have these errors, yes. copying and pasting from word is generally bad, and will produce errors. I am going to enable import from word docs into the pads though, which should provide an alternative to this. But apart from that, I dont think this is something we should actually fix.

I don't have an example to hand, but I've seen them a few times as I've been going through and editing the content.

If this is a word problem, then so be it.