
Session duration issues

8pig opened this issue · 2 comments

8pig commented

Why can't I count the session duration after initialization? What is the data format? Is it convenient to say? I want to customize data reporting, but I can't count the time。

Thank you.

        //initializing countly with params
            app_key: 'key', //your app key
            url: 'here', //your server goes here
            debug: true

What do you mean with "Why can't I count the session duration after initialization"? "Where" and "why" would you want to count something?
"What is the data format?" - what is the data format where? In the dashboard or in the SDK?
" I want to customize data reporting, but I can't count the time。" In what way do you want to customize the data reporting?

8pig commented

Yes, I found the point and data statistics logic of the count report. Now the custom report has been implemented. Thank you