
Receive multicast messages on wpan0 with IPv6 address

vervaekejonathan opened this issue · 5 comments

I'm trying to receive multicast coap messages from a thread network.
This network is available via wpan0 and has ipv6 addresses.
I'm trying the server demo, with the following modification:
let addr = ":::0";
Unfortunately, I do not receive any packages.
What could be wrong?

Things I've tried:

  • set address to and send packages via ipv4 on eth0 -> this works fine
  • receive the multicast messages with a node.js implementation -> this works fine


It seems the addr format should be [::1]:5683 . The IPv6 should be supported by #24 .

Unfortunately, that does not fix the problem. (It does work when send a coap message from the device that also runs the rust server. )

Could it have to do with using the broadcast address (i'm sending to ff03::1) or with receiving on wpan0 instead of eth0? Is there a way to debug this? A lowlevel function with raw packages or something?

Yes. Just noticed you want to receive the multicast messages. The Multicast has specified addresses by . You can check the messages by some network diagnose tools like Wireshark

Closed. Reopen it if you meet any problem about it.

Solved by using [::]:5683 Thanks!