How can I get ALL OF CORES Freq for 2 CPU
rio-redstone opened this issue · 2 comments
Now I use HP xw6600 (Intel 5400 chipset, Xeon 5450 x2, 32GB RAM, AMD Radeon RX460) with macOS Sierra.
first of all, you know, Xeon 5450 has 4 cores, so my hack has 8 cores in total.
On your HWMointor, "Temperatures" shows for all of cpu cores', 8 cores of 2 cpu. but "Frequencies" shows half of cpu cores, means only 4 cores. in attached below, I think you can see that my hack has 8 cores working, and HWMonitor shows only 4 cpu core frequencies, beside 8 cpu core temperatures.
I would like to know all of cpu core frequencies, 8 core of 2 cpu. how can I get all information??
do you have any suggestion??
I think no one is interested in this topic, but I fix this issue.
in CPUSensors.cpp, when a task collects frequencies, for-loop is like,
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cpuid_info()->core_count; i++)
cpuid_info() injects only 1 cpu. so core_count sets only 4 (means half of all cores).
so my Hack has 2 cpus, 8 cores, I changed the line like,
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 8; i++)
I think that
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < coreCount; i++)
will work well and is better than my method.
attached image shows only 1 cpu voltage, but with same way, you can get voltage information for all of cores in your machine. now I got 8 cpu core voltage information.
I hope this will helps someone.
What if you read the number of CPU core temperatures that were reported and used that number as a reference?