
Retro Dream is hit and miss with game compatibility

Opened this issue · 1 comments

After i was able to upgrade my CF card for my IDE modded Dreamcast and was able to put more games onto it. I’m unable load up many of the games, i cannot boot up Shenmue 1 and 2, i cannot boot into Code Veronica, Jet Set Radio and some games can’t even get past the logo’s, even when fiddling around with settings. Overall this Retro Dream loader is hit and miss with a lot of games. I would just like to see a whole new loader that works more like the loaders for ODE’s that boots into the games directly. I think being based off of Dreamshell which was designed to work with the slower serial port maybe causing these compatibility issues.

Here is my Dreamcast set up



Is not RetroDream, it's DreamShell, your problem my friend could be that after raplace the files, the new system files will fragmentate into the CF/ SD/ SSD/ HDD; so this little fragmentation put in crisis the Dreamcast MOD. Probably when you upgrade with replacing the files, the new system Files are placed far way from each other and to the SUPER delicate IDE Dreamcast Mod it doesn't like it and comes out slowly slowly more problems. I suggest you to copy the entire cf somewhere, and Format/wipe the entire CF with 0 datas. After that you copy back the files upgraded (this provcedure need to be in once time to get the data in the CF perfectly in line one after another (so don't copy the file in more times)).