Video cuts out on the US Versions of Jet Grind Radio, Sonic Adventure 2 and Crazy Taxi 2 also can't get homebrew games and AtomisWave Games to work. Aswell as features i would like to see on RetroDream.
iVirtualPlays opened this issue · 1 comments
Had to switch over to the Pal versions of those games. Sonic Adventure 2 Truck scene video cuts out black screen even on my other two tv's. The game is still running despite the black screen both in VGA and DCHDMI. Sometimes it happens earlier and i'm using solid-state storage such as a CF Card. The same problem occurred on the hard drive but it cuts off earlier. On the CF Crazy Taxi 2 10 Minute mode with 4 minutes left video cuts out. The problem does not occur on the disc. Jet Grind Radio half an hour into the game, loaded from CF card, the video cuts out. Overall RetroDream is still lacking in the compatibility department, especially when compared to ODE's. Would like to see further testing with more bug fixes such as for these US versions of games. The Pal version doesn't have these problems. Also, can i get homebrew CDI games to work? As well as the recently ported AtomisWave games? I managed to get some of the Atomiswave games to load up but games like Dolphin Blue don’t work. Would also like to see an automatic config settings option when loading games as a lot of these Game Setting options are very confusing without the compatibility list. As there is no explanation on what these settings do. Would like to see a manual loaded into the firmware. When pulling up the Game Config Settings. And is there a homebutton configuration? I would like to go back to the menu without hitting the off button.
My console has no faults with the hardware as i've gone over all of my mods, have a lot of soldering experience with high-quality equipment with no cold solder joints
DCHDMI no shorts, firmware updated
5V A4x10 Noctua Fan
1.5mm Arctic Thermal Pads
Dragon Ctity's DUALBOOT BIOS mod with 2 rewritable bios's Dreamboot, Region Free Bios, and no shorts
Dragon City GDR IDE Board no shorts
CF Adaptor removed cold solder joints with higher quality shiny joints that is on these generic adaptors
Pico PSU also had to remove the cold solder joint with high-quality joints. No more random resets and restarts
So all that is ruled out. Which leaves me with RetroDream. Hopefully, RetroDream's compatibility one day becomes more seamless, more UI friendly like that of ODE's. And by UI friendly I'm referring to the game settings options with no explanations and no auto-config option. If there are further incompatibilities. I would like to see integrated notifications such as this game is not compatible, or may not run properly built into the firmware.
This will come in handy for new Retro Dream Users, i recommend just sticking to pal versions of games:
I also highly recommend Batch GDI Optimiser, drag the GDI game and its contents into the GDI Folder and then click Optimise.Bat and press any keyboard key when finished. If its possible to do this on the Dreamcast as an app on RetroDream/Dreamshell, that would be great.
If the other Game Settings don’t work try this: Dreamshel/RetroDream Game Settings
List of parameters:
102 Dálmatas – Async 8, 0x8c004000
18 Wheeler – Async 1, 0x8cfe0000
Advanced Wars 2 – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Alien Front Online – Async 1, 0x8c000100
Alone In The Dark IV – 0x8cfe0000
Another World – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Aqua GT – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Blue Stinger – Async 16, 0x8cef8000
Bomber He He – Async 8, 0x8c004000
BomberMan Online – Async 0, 0x8cef8000
Buggy Heat – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Cannon Spike – Async 1, 0x8c004000
Capcom vs Snk 1 – Async 1, 0x8c004000
Capcom vs Snk 2 – Async 1, 0x8c004000
Carrier – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Cave Story – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Charge And Blast – Async 4, 0x8c004000
Chicken Run – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Chu Chu Rocket! – Async 16, 0x8cfe8000, CDDA
Crazy Taxi – Async 16, 0x8cfe8000
Crazy Taxi 2 – Async 2, 0x8c004000
Dangerous Toys – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Daytona USA – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Dead Or Alive 2 – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Deadly Skies – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Dino Crisis – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Divi Dead – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Doom Collection – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Draconus – Async 8, 0x8c004000
DUX – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Dynamite Cop – CDDA, 0x8cfe8000
Ecco The Dolphin – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Elemental Gimmick Gear – Async 8, 0x8c000100
Evil Dead Hail To The King – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Evil Twin – Async 2, 0x8c000100
Evolution The World of Sacred Device – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Exhibiton of speed – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Expendable – Async 16, 0x8cfe8000, CDDA
European SuperLeague – Async 8, 0x8c004000
F355 Challenge – Async1, 8x8cfe0000
Fighting Force 2 – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Fighting Vipers – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Final Fight Apocalypse – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Flag to Flag – Async 16, 0x8cef8000, CDDA
Flashback – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Frame Gride – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Gaunlet Legends – Async 8, 0x8c004000
GTA 2 – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Head Hunter – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Heavy Metal Geomatrix – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Jedi Power Battles – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Jet Set Radio – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Last Blade 2 – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Maken X – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Monaco Grand Prix 2 Online – Async 16, 0x8cfe8000
Mars Matrix – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Marvel vs Capcom 2 – Async 1, 0x8cff6000
Mortal Kombat Gold – Async 16, 0x8cef8000, CDDA
Mr. Driller – Async 8, 0x8c004000
MTV SkateBoarding – Async 8, 0x8c004000
NBA Hoopz – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Nomad Soul – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Pen Pen Triathlon – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Phantasy Star Online v2 – Async 1, 0x8cef8000
Planet Ring – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Power Stone 2 – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Project Justice – Async 1, 0x8c004000
Propeller Arena – 0x8cfd0000
Quake 3 – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Quake – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Record Of Lodoss War – 0x8cfe0000
Red Dog – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Resident Evil 3 – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Resident Evil Code Veronica – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Rippin Riders – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Rise Of The Triad – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Roadsters – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Sega GT – Async 4, 0x8c004000
Shenmue 1 – Async 1, 0x8cfe80000
Silver – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Skies Of Arcadia – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Snow Surfers – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Sonic Adventure – Async 1, 0x8cfe0000
Sonic Adventure 2 – Async 8, 0x8cef8000
Soul Fighter – Async 8, 0x8c004000
South Park Rally – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Spawn – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Spec Ops II – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Speed Devils – Async 8, 0x8c004000, CDDA
Spiderman– Async 8, 0x8c004000
Star Wars Racer – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Street Fighter III 3rd Strike – Async 1, 0x8c004000
Super Magnetic Neo – Async 4, 0x8c004000
Surf Rocket Racers – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Suzuki Alstare – Async 8, 0x8c004000, CDDA
Sword Of the Berserk – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Test Drive Le Mans 24h – Async 4, 0x8c004000
Time Stalkers – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Tokio Xtreme Challenge 2 – Async 4, 0x8c004000
Tokio Xtreme Challenge – CDDA, 0xc0000100
Toy Commander – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Toy Racer – Async 8, 0x8c004000, NO CDDA
TrickStyle – Async 8, 0x8c004000, CDDA
Unreal Tournoument – Async 8, 0x8c004000
Virtua Striker 2 – Async 1, 0x8cfe0000
Virtua Tennis 2 – Async 1, 0x8c004000
Zombie Revenge – Async 16, 0x8cfe8000, CDDA
Zusar vu – Async 8, 0x8c004000
I tested some of the online games using DreamShell + SD Card, here is what I found:
Phantasy Star Online ver 2 - Works really well online but there is an issue where you can't revive other players.
Monaco Grand Prix 2 Online - Works great online, without CDDA.
Quake 3 Arena - Works great online, without CDDA.
Planet Ring - Connects but you can't find other players, the games are always full.
Toy Racer - Connects, you can chat but It freezes when you start a game.
Chu Chu Rocket - Connects, you can chat but when you start a game you go back to the lobby.
Windows CE games don't work on the SD Card, I have to test the online ones on ide.