Footer on Add Property Page and Create New User not at the bottom
Closed this issue · 4 comments
The footer is not pushed all the way to the bottom of the page.
I'm not sure what you mean.
The footer (where it says "Hi WHOEVER") looks like it's at the bottom. I have to scroll down to see it there.
Nevermind. I pulled and I definitely see it now.
Ok. I pushed a fix.
The trick was to set the footer to be position:fixed (same place in the viewpoint all the time).
Then, because this would make the bottom of the page covered by the footer (since position: fixed takes it out of the normal document flow and therefore we can't scroll far enough down to see the very bottom) I had to add a spacer div at the very bottom of _footer.html.erb that was the same height (actually slightly bigger) as the footer, so we can always scroll such that we can see the entire page content.