ppx_effects – syntax extensions for untyped effects in OCaml 5.0

OCaml 5.0 will ship with support for effects! 🎉

However, since the effect implementation is currently untyped, the compiler doesn't yet provide any dedicated syntax to support defining or handling effects. This PPX provides a close approximation to the proposed syntax, hopefully making it simpler to use effects in your OCaml 5.0 code (and easing future migrations to a dedicated syntax).


OCaml-CI Build Status


In short:

  • Declaring effects: effect E : string -> int is written as exception%effect E : string -> int
  • Handling effects: | effect (E _) k -> is written as | [%effect? (E _), k] ->

See the result of porting this PPX to various effectful repositories here:


This library has not yet been released to opam. To install it, first

opam pin add --yes https://github.com/CraigFe/ppx_effects.git
opam install ppx_effects

Users of dune can then use this PPX on their libraries and executables by adding the appropriate stanza field:

 (preprocess (pps ppx_effects)))


Using the PPX should ideally be exactly like using the dedicated syntax. However, there are a few implementation details that can leak to PPX users:

  • the expansion of match / try expressions containing top-level [%effect? ...] patterns introduces a locally-abstract type named continue_input representing the type of values passed to continue (and returned from a suspended perform). This type name can appear in error messages, but shouldn't be referred to from user code. (If you find you do need this type name for some reason, raise an issue on this repository!)

  • in order to use the low-level effects API provided by the compiler, an effectful computation being match-ed or try-ed must be wrapped in an allocated thunk (e.g. fun () -> ...). This thunk has a small performance cost, so very performance-critical code should arrange to make this expression a simple unary function application (as in, match f x with or try f x with) instead – this avoids needing to allocate the thunk.