
Can't build MariaDB C connector

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I'm using this to build the C connector for MariaDB but the process never goes beyond the download stage.

I have this on my CMakeLists.txt:

download_project(PROJ               mariadb-connector-c
                 GIT_TAG            v_2.3.3

and I can see that source files are downloaded correctly. It just doesn't build them and no errors are shown.

I use this with Catch, a header only library, without any problems:

download_project(PROJ               catch
                 GIT_TAG            v1.9.4

The include_directories() command merely adds the listed directories to the header search path, which is probably what you intended for catch. For mariadb-connector-c, did you put an add_subdirectory() after the download_project() command? Without that, there's nothing pulling in the build after it is downloaded. See the example in the DownloadProject repo which uses add_subdirectory() after the download.

Perfect, thanks.