A comprehensive and customizable MouseHook library for AutoHotkey v2.1-alpha.9 or later.
Welcome to AutoHotkey-MouseHook, a comprehensive and customizable MouseHook library for AutoHotkey v2.1-alpha.9 or later. This library allows you to monitor and handle mouse events with ease and flexibility.
Refer to TaskbarReveal.ahk for the practical usage of MouseHook.
- Monitor various mouse events including movement, button presses, and wheel scrolling.
- Customize the handling of each mouse event with your own callback functions.
- Control the hook with start and stop functions.
- Wait for specific sequences of mouse events with the
To use this library, simply include it in your AutoHotkey script with the #include
directive. Then, create an instance of the MouseHook
class and provide your callback function to handle mouse events.
Here is a basic example:
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.1-alpha.9
#include <MouseHook>
mh := MouseHook("All", (eventObj, wParam, lParam){
ToolTip eventObj.x " " eventObj.y
/* Wait for: LButton Down > LButton Up > RButton Down > RButton Up */
mh.Wait("LButton", "D", "LButton", unset, "RButton", "D", "RButton", unset)
Refer to TaskbarReveal.ahk for the practical usage of MouseHook.
This library requires AutoHotkey v2.1-alpha.9 or later.
Learn more about the ahk v2.1: Click here
This library is licensed under the MIT License. Please make sure to acknowledge this library as the source if you use it in your projects.
歡迎來到 MouseHook,這是一個為 AutoHotkey v2.1-alpha.9 設計的全面且可自訂的 MouseHook 函式庫。這個函式庫讓您可以輕鬆且靈活地監控和處理滑鼠事件。
- 監控各種滑鼠事件,包括移動、按鍵和滾輪滾動。
- 用您自己的回調函數自訂每個滑鼠事件的處理方式。
- 使用啟動和停止函數控制鉤子。
- 使用
要使用這個函式庫,只需在您的 AutoHotkey 腳本中使用 #include
指令包含此函式庫檔案。然後,創建一個 MouseHook
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.1-alpha.9
#include <MouseHook>
mh := MouseHook("All", (eventObj, wParam, lParam){
ToolTip eventObj.x " " eventObj.y
/* Wait for: LButton Down > LButton Up > RButton Down > RButton Up */
mh.Wait("LButton", "D", "LButton", unset, "RButton", "D", "RButton", unset)
請參考 TaskbarReveal.ahk 以瞭解 MouseHook 的實際用途。
這個函式庫需要 AutoHotkey v2.1-alpha.9 或更高版本。
AutoHotkey v2.1-alpha.9 官方文件: 立即查看
此函式庫採用 MIT 授權。如果您在您的專案中使用此函式庫,請確保表彰此函式庫為來源。