
Import Unreal Egine 4 failed.

lingme opened this issue · 6 comments

Hello, I need your help, I tried import gltf model to Unreal Engine 4(version 4.25.3),but import failed, I use the plugin is (version gltf-for-ue4-ue4.25-stable)

This is an issue with the UE4 importer plugin, I suggest you submit a bug report to them.

I believe the Windows 10 3D Model Viewer also suffers from this same issue.

Thank you for your answer patiently, but Windows 10 3DModel Viewer is working, I tried to import another from Sketchfab download the 3d model, UE4 is working, but use lol2gltf library be not allowed

Riot has multiple Roots for the Character. Unreal Engine support only 1 Root. What you need to do is to go into Blender and create a new root. Drag all of the other ones into it. So you get only 1 Main Root

Nice, thanks you, I will try .

I trying create one Root, it is working , thanks