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IMS Load Artifacts

The Image Management Service (IMS) Load Artifacts utility loads product recipes and pre-built product images into IMS from the Nexus artifact repository service. Recipes and Images that are successfully loaded into IMS by the Load Artifacts utility result in new IMS Recipe and Image records.

The utility also writes out /results/records.yaml which provides information about the IMS records that were created for recipes and images, respectively. Example file contents:

    id: a49d6d6e-6463-4530-86cd-7055ad8ceb93
    id: bc42542d-292a-4921-a09c-2c63d892086b
    id: 32d19800-f4c9-4f7c-99a5-cd77a836b89d
    id: 35b3f7f2-4c85-432f-a1db-035408073153

Environment Variables

  • LOG_LEVEL -- the level of logging output (DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, CRITICAL), defaults to WARN.
  • IMS_URL -- URL to use to access IMS, defaults to http://cray-ims.
  • S3_IMS_BUCKET -- S3 bucket to upload IMS recipes to, defaults to IMS.
  • S3_BOOT_IMAGES_BUCKET -- S3 bucket to upload pre-built images and boot artifacts to, defaults to boot-images.

On a shasta system, the ims-s3-credentials secret should be used to populate the following environment variables.

  • S3_ENDPOINT -- URI to use to talk to the S3 host, example: https://rgw-vip.local
  • ACCESS_KEY -- Access key used to authenticate to S3
  • SECRET_KEY -- Secret key used to authenticate to S3
  • SSL_VALIDATE -- Whether to validate SSL connections. Currently, this should be set to False.


IMS_URL = https://cray-ims
S3_ENDPOINT = https://rgw-vip.local
SECRET_KEY = WHkGp6YsAtpZZnc9JBZ6o4NiSch6hniZnAUmbNXx
S3_BOOT_IMAGES_BUCKET = boot-images


The ims-load-artifacts container will look for a file named manifest.yaml in the root of the running image. This file contains the list of IMS recipes and pre-built images to be uploaded to S3 and added to IMS.

Each image and recipe may have an optional 'arch' value that can be either 'x86_64' or 'aarch64' to designate the architecture of the image. If this field is not present, it will default to be 'x86_64' during the import.

Each recipe may have an optional 'require_dkms' boolean value that may be set to indicate if the recipe requires dkms to be enabled for the build to succeed. If this value is not present it will default to False during the import.

version: "1.1.0"
    arch: x86_64
      - link: 
          path: http://localhost:8081/repository/shasta-boot-artifacts/cray-sles15sp1-barebones-1.2.4.sqshfs
          type: http
        md5: f3287b5d1267da964cf30fb5910d3126
        type: application/vnd.cray.image.rootfs.squashfs
      - link: 
          path: http://localhost:8081/repository/shasta-boot-artifacts/kernel-1.2.4
          type: http
        md5: f3287b5d1267da964cf30fb5910d3126
        type: application/vnd.cray.image.kernel
      - link: 
          path: http://localhost:8081/repository/shasta-boot-artifacts/initrd-1.2.4
          type: http
        md5: f3287b5d1267da964cf30fb5910d3126
        type: application/vnd.cray.image.initrd
      path: http://localhost:8081/repository/shasta-image-recipes/cray-sles15sp1-barebones-1.2.4.tgz
      type: http
    md5: f3287b5d1267da964cf30fb5910d3126
    linux_distribution: sles15
    recipe_type: kiwi-ng
    arch: x86_64
    require_dkms: False

A sample manifest and sample artifacts are included in the repo. NOTE: Each sample artifact was created using the command dd if=/dev/random of=large-file-1mb.txt count=1024 bs=1024. As such, the artifacts cannot actually be used by IMS to build/customize an image.

Build the Docker image

docker build -t artifactory.algol60.net/csm-docker/stable/cray-ims-load-artifacts:latest .

Run the Docker image

$ docker run --rm \
 -e IMS_URL=http://cray-ims \
 -e S3_ENDPOINT=https://rgw-vip.local \
 -e SECRET_KEY=WHkGp6YsAtpZZnc9JBZ6o4NiSch6hniZnAUmbNXx \
 -e SSL_VALIDATE=False \
 -e S3_IMS_BUCKET=ims \
 -e S3_BOOT_IMAGES_BUCKET=boot-images \


To develop, clone this git repo and install the prerequisites. A requirements.txt and constraints.txt file are provided for you.

$ git clone <repo url> ims_load_artifacts 
$ cd ims_load_artifacts
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

You are now ready to make changes to the codebase (preferably in a virtual environment).


Note that the unit tests and linters are run when the docker image is built.

(ims_load_artifacts) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
(ims_load_artifacts) $ pip install -r requirements-test.txt
(ims_load_artifacts) $ python3 -m unittest -v 
test_load_artifacts (tests.test_load_artifacts.TestLoadArtifacts)
tests.test_load_artifacts.TestLoadArtifacts.test_init ... ok

Ran 1 test in 0.193s


Build Helpers

This repo uses some build helpers from the cms-meta-tools repo. See that repo for more details.

Local Builds

If you wish to perform a local build, you will first need to clone or copy the contents of the cms-meta-tools repo to ./cms_meta_tools in the same directory as the Makefile. When building on github, the cloneCMSMetaTools() function clones the cms-meta-tools repo into that directory.

For a local build, you will also need to manually write the .version, .docker_version (if this repo builds a docker image), and .chart_version (if this repo builds a helm chart) files. When building on github, this is done by the setVersionFiles() function.

Copyright and License

This project is copyrighted by Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP and is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.

When making any modifications to a file that has a Cray/HPE copyright header, that header must be updated to include the current year.

When creating any new files in this repo, if they contain source code, they must have the HPE copyright and license text in their header, unless the file is covered under someone else's copyright/license (in which case that should be in the header). For this purpose, source code files include Dockerfiles, Ansible files, RPM spec files, and shell scripts. It does not include Jenkinsfiles, OpenAPI/Swagger specs, or READMEs.

When in doubt, provided the file is not covered under someone else's copyright or license, then it does not hurt to add ours to the header.