Lib so not installed to apk
kazixma opened this issue · 5 comments
The first of all , I try to install your project to my device then I can run it. When I try to install javacv by gradle dependencies , I can not use because UnsatisfiedLinkError exception. I try to monitor by Naive Lib Monitor . Lib so have inside in my apk but it didn't install to my apk. Thank
@CrazyOrr ok thank. When I use your project to record video , it's low quality of video , video is not smooth same of preview.
Ps. I choose preview 640480 and result video 480480. Thank
For video quality:
You can try to adjust this option of the FFmpegFrameRecorder
mFrameRecorder.setVideoOption("crf", "28");
See the doc for explaination.
For video size:
The size you specified is only "preferred" size, it's up to the device to match for it.
You can debug this part to figure out what happened to the size:
Camera.Parameters parameters = mCamera.getParameters();
List<Camera.Size> previewSizes = parameters.getSupportedPreviewSizes();
Camera.Size previewSize = CameraHelper.getOptimalSize(previewSizes,
OK Thank and How to add autofocus to textureview preview video recorder ? Sorry for I ask too much TT