
Text is mirrored/flipped

phourniner opened this issue · 5 comments

Hello, when using your theme I noticed the text is flipped or mirrored. Example here:
I am also using the plugin "Staff Tags" which is also being affected as shown in the screenshot, "MOD" is backwards.

I am wondering if this is intentional behavior, as I understand the text may be mirroring to get that "messaging effect" with the speech bubble on the right side when you are talking in a server. I do enjoy this feature, as it's easier to see when I post in a server, and aesthetically I enjoy it.

Thank you and I hope this can be fixed!

Yeah, I can definitely fix that, in fact everything is mirrored and then individual elements are remirrored again to get that messaging effect.

This can lead to a few bugs if not all classes have been mirrored individually.

The Staff Tags plugin I do not know, I assume that it is a Powercord plugin, I have to adapt some plugins for the theme but is not a big effort.

Here is another version of the same issue, except with the username

This happens with Threads too

Outdated Bug from CreArts v2.