
Video not resizing according to window size (Both Stream and Video)

hyroqi opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug
Video and Streams that are ultrawide do not scale with window size, causing a cutoff edge on the right side of the screen

To Reproduce
*Easier to be seen if friend is streaming on ultrawide

  1. Have a friend stream
  2. Watch the stream
  3. Adjust discord window until aspect ratio can't fit the stream

Expected behaviour
Video should resize to fit the current available space.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

  • With voicechat members hidden
  • With voicechat members showing
  • Intended Scaling (default discord)

Operating System:
Which operating system do you use?

  • Linux
  • [*] Windows
  • macOS

Additional context
Having a Slim Squircle / Square / Round preset makes it much worse
Alignment of sidebar to the right or left don't affect the bug, it still doesn't scale either way

Thanks for the info, I also noticed it, the classes are used differently in many places, which makes the adjustment not so easy, I deactivated the code with the last push for now and will add this again when I could fix the bugs. This will look not so nice, but this way the functionality should be back.

The theme should load the minutes automatically, so you wouldn't have to reload anything.