
[Bug Report]

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Describe the bug
Crooked home page

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behaviour:

  1. Don’t know what I did. Ive only had theme for 15 min. I turned off templates and templated and then turned them back on could that have broken it?

Expected behaviour


Operating System:

  • Linux
  • [ x] Windows 11
  • macOS

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Should the templates folders be different how about the settings for all the other community plugins?

Now normally this should not be a problem, have you tried restarting Obsidian?

Maybe the .obsidian folder is not loaded properly.

No idea how you managed to do that, but it seems like the plugin configs are not loading properly.

Each of the community plugins have quite a number of variables what are your settings for each one?

The settings for the plugins are stored in this repo, after downloading everything should load automatically.
Most people had no problems so far, try redownloading the repo and make sure you have the latest version of the Obsidian client.

Then it should work.

I think it may bc I store my repos in Google Drive and didn’t sync offline before using.

DO you know why it looks like this?

hmm not really, maybe the metadata is not loaded correctly, did enabled the Plugins?