
[Bug] Hovering sometimes broken

ClaraCrazy opened this issue · 4 comments

Interesting flickering when moving mouse on the edge of the card



flickering is way faster than shown on gif & video. shit recording software has low recording-framerate

if you aim your mouse cursor just right it will constantly flicker

Hmm this is strange, I think it's a theme conflict bug, can you tell me which theme this is or attach a link and I'll take a look.
Themes that have a padding in the friend list may have problems there.

indeed a theme issue actually. didnt notice, my bad. and i scraped together a "custom" theme where I just took all the themes and mini themes I use and put them into one. All the imports are at the top. I will disable the imports one by one to see if its one of those or the main theme which btw is this one

its the main theme. imports dont change that at all