
[Bug] No banner

Luna-devv opened this issue · 8 comments

Hey there,
When I am using this theme it doesn't display the users banner in the friends list as you can see in the screenshot below.

~ Luni

this is also happening to me

Banners were never in the friend's list to begin with, so duplicating banners from users onto the friend grid would require JS.

@Loremly Then why is there a user banner on the product image when it's not in the downloadable Theme?


Idk ask Corellan. Companies always put things in ads that aren't in the actual product.

@Luna-devv At that time I had a plugin loaded for this when I took the screenshot, I had forgotten to deactivate it, I will correct this on occasion.

Hey @CorellanStoma, ah okey - I didn’t know that this is an extra plugin..
Also is this plugin available to download?

you can edit the css by replacing activity-card-background with activity-card in the themes config thing