
Complete event was not fired when the queue has been loaded.

Moxmi opened this issue · 4 comments

Moxmi commented

If i put some audio in the queue and load it on a page which has some image element too, the complete event will fired until all the image elements had been loaded instead of the queue has been loaded.

Are the images part of the queue, or just in the page? If they are blocking elements (ie, your scripts are below them in the body), then the browser may be holding back the load until they are done. Are you seeing them complete, but not getting an event? More info would be helpful.

Moxmi commented

Those images just in the page(like image element). And i was seen them completed.

Moxmi commented

what's more, when wait the image element loading, the queue has been completed(i can play the audio through '' method in the console) but the complete event not been fired.

@Moxmi Can you please provide us with more details?

Browser & os version. Plus a simple reproduction would really help us debug this. Thanks!