
Add an installation video of this webiste

Opened this issue ยท 19 comments

Describe the solution you'd like
We want a terminal screen recording of the installation process, so the new contributors can install easily.

Additional context
Asciinema would be a great option for recording terminal screen

Can I get this issue??

@0xCipher-max take one issue at a time

Sir , I am interested & want to contribute
Please Assign this to me As a LGM- SOC

@Prakash-Haldar ok go for it

Sir Where i have to update this or in which section ?

There are sections for , watch tuorial , website link. You have to place above both of them , with a headline , watch installation video.

Can I work on this issue under LGM-SOC

As @Prakash-Haldar is not working on this feature, I am assigning this issue to @Amrutha1101

By installation you mean: forking the repo to setting up the project in the system to make changes isn't it?

And can I use obs studio instead of Asciinema?

By installation you mean: forking the repo to setting up the project in the system to make changes isn't it?

Ya basically till running the dev environment, you can find the command in the package.json file

And can I use obs studio instead of Asciinema?

Also, you can use obs also, but if you are contributing try to learn new things, what asscinema provides is ,they provide platform to upload that video file directly from the command line.
Try out asscinema first.
You will have a great learning experience after that.

And can I use obs studio instead of Asciinema?

Also, you can use obs also, but if you are contributing try to learn new things, what asscinema provides is ,they provide platform to upload that video file directly from the command line.
Try out asscinema first.
You will have a great learning experience after that.


You should have nodemon installed loccally in your machine.

npm install -g nodemon

You should have nodemon installed loccally in your machine.

npm install -g nodemon

Yes done with that but
Nothing is showing up

It is written, server is running on port 9876

Go to chrome
Type - localhost:9876

I'm on windows10 . Asciinema,I don't know how it has to be used on windows. Can I try using one studio?

I'm on windows10 . Asciinema,I don't know how it has to be used on windows. Can I try using one studio?

*OBS studio
