
LAN server issues regarding other players (Not Host) cant see train

ProEnderman21 opened this issue · 4 comments

Describe the Bug

In LAN/Essential ran Servers. other players (Besides the host i think) can not see the train plus the entity if ran though a lot of chunks

Reproduction Steps

  1. Make a lan server with a train that goes out of render distance (30-40 chunks between to have the train deload)
  2. Have it loop between 2 stations out of the render distance
  3. the person that joined the server (Either LAN or essential) cant see it

Expected Result

Other player be able to see the train and have it function to transport ppl and items between homes

Screenshots and Videos

No response

Crash Report or Log


Operating System

Windows 10

Mod Version


Minecraft Version


Forge Version


Other Mods

Modpack name is Create Perfect world

Additional Context

No response

LAN servers aren't really supported, host a proper server

not even with essential?

essentials still runs a LAN server

is ther anyway with mods or messing with configs to fix this?