
Helping hand in testing.

Primary LanguageC#


Helping hand in testing.


Fuzzer is a simple cases generator for unit tests. It brute-forces trough all possible combinations of provided values. It works with frequent values like 0 or 1 but can also do fuzzing with NaN and random strings that are megabytes in size.


For current roadmap go to General Project


Scenario scenario = new Scenario()
  .Random(amount: 10)
  .RandomString(amount: 10, encoding: Encoding.UTF8)
  .RandomDateTime(amount: 10, kind: DateTimeKind.Utc)

IEnumerable<object[]> results = new CasesGenerator<float, string, DateTime, Guid>(scenario);

with NUnit

like in SampleFixture.cs

    public class SampleFixture
        public void SampleTest(string name, double lattitude, double longitude, DateTime when)
            // Your assertions go here

        public static IEnumerable<TestCaseData> SampleTestGenerator()
            Scenario scenario = new Scenario()
                .Random(amount: 10);

            return new CasesGenerator<string, double, double, DateTime>(scenario)
                .Select(c => new TestCaseData(c));

Fuzz providers

  • List of all currently available values used for fuzzing can be found in Scenario.cs
  • You can write Your own provider:
    • by implementing Fuzzer.Fuzzers.IFuzzer<> like in CustomFuzzerFixture.cs
    • by making incubator Func<> like in IncubatorFuzzerFixture.cs
    • by providing literal like:
      scenario.Add(ConstantFuzzer.Create( /* literal in here */ ));
    • types that don't have added provider will be tested as default()