
sensor.intellichlor_20_salt_required is always zero

FlaMike opened this issue · 3 comments

For the past few weeks, the value sensor.intellichlor_20_salt_required has been zero even though the target salt level is several hundred ppm above the reported salt level in the pool. I am running version 4.1 of njs-PC-HA. I believe this issue began when I installed the 4.1 update. All other sensor values appear to be OK.

I have reloaded both the HACS njs-PC (and restarted HA) and the HA integration without any changes in the value of this sensor.

While this is not a huge deal--I still get reported salt values and target salt values so I can tell if I need to add salt, I thought I should bring this to your attention.

Thanks again for this fabulous program & your excellent help & support!

It seems like this integration has not been loving your salt cell very much! lol.

Just to confirm, you are getting the salt needed reading in dashPanel (though if I remember correctly it only shows up when a certain amount is needed). Unfortunately all my stuff is down for the winter and my mock setup won't populate the fields since I don't have a actual SWG its talking to. If you were to make a call to http://<ipaddress>:4200/state/chlorinator/1, is there a saltRequired field? If so, does it match what Home Assistant is showing?

As always, thank you for your quick response!

Life as my salt cell is certainly challenging these days :-0

The poolController url shows a saltRequired value of 0, so it appears the challenge is not in your integration. I guess I should send a note to the poolController folks.

FYI, below is the entire response from the poolController. Interestingly, it also shows an output value of 8% even though the salt cell is off due to low temperature of the water. So I guess they have two issues, at least in my pool.

{"id":1,"disabled":false,"isActive":true,"spaSetpoint":10,"poolSetpoint":8,"body":{"val":32,"name":"poolspa","desc":"Pool/Spa"},"name":"Intellichlor--20","type":{"val":0,"name":"pentair","desc":"Pentair"},"saltLevel":2850,"saltRequired":0,"status":{"val":0,"name":"ok","desc":"Ok"},"superChlorHours":8,"superChlor":false,"superChlorRemaining":0,"targetOutput":8,"model":{"val":2,"name":"intellichlor--20","desc":"IntelliChlor IC20","capacity":20000,"chlorinePerDay":0.7,"chlorinePerSec":0.000008101851851851852},"lastComm":1673984950152,"currentOutput":8,"equipmentType":"chlorinator","saltTarget":3400}

I'll go ahead and close this as its a nodejs-poolController problem. Hopefully they'll get it figured out for you quickly.