Failed to Load
RenReo opened this issue · 8 comments
Hi, I'm afraid this is a dalamud issue, it appears to affect plugins with longer load times more, that said feel free to post your dalamud.log from %appdata%\XIVLauncher\
I can take a look just to make sure it's not something else but it'll need to be resolved by them(and I believe something has been worked on but hasn't been released yet)
I am also receiving the same error. Is it just hit or miss or is there something we can do on our end to help prevent it?
I clicked on the delete button while messing around yesterday. It wouldn't delete at the time but when I logged back in today it was gone from my installed plugins and I could reinstall it back to working order.
I may be wrong, but deleting and reinstalling it doesn't seem to make a difference. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes it works at first, then apparently splats at some point later. Even after reinstalling, it appears to eventually asplode no matter what you do, so waiting on Dalamud to fix this may be the only option.
Still waiting on dalamud to resolve this, they appear to be delaying a release because they are trying to get reshade/gshade related things sorted.
Due to the nature of the bug, whether or not it breaks seems to be fairly random, you might load sometimes, you might not.
The update for dalamud is only on staging atm
You can switch to that if you are having issues or wait for a full release
It's possible you might already be on STG
If you run into further issues please make a new issue with a dalamud.log
Should be resolved now