
Multiple values for keyword argument 'refraction'

Cybis320 opened this issue · 9 comments

I'm getting this error with prerelease on a MuliCamLinux machine:

2024/08/10 12:21:27-INFO-QueuedPool-line:204 - All workers are idle!
Inserting poison pills...
2024/08/10 12:21:27-INFO-QueuedPool-line:204 - Inserting poison pills...
Inserting pill 1
2024/08/10 12:21:27-INFO-QueuedPool-line:204 - Inserting pill 1
Closing pool...
2024/08/10 12:21:28-INFO-QueuedPool-line:204 - Closing pool...
Terminating pool...
2024/08/10 12:21:28-INFO-QueuedPool-line:204 - Terminating pool...
Joining pool...
2024/08/10 12:21:28-INFO-QueuedPool-line:204 - Joining pool...
2024/08/10 12:21:28-INFO-StartCapture-line:480 - Detection finished!
2024/08/10 12:21:28-INFO-StartCapture-line:517 - Collecting results...
2024/08/10 12:21:29-INFO-DetectStarsAndMeteors-line:147 - TOTAL: 30 detected meteors.
2024/08/10 12:21:31-INFO-Reprocess-line:184 - Filtering out detections using machine learning...
2024/08/10 12:21:31-INFO-MLFilter-line:400 - ML filtering starting...
2024/08/10 12:21:31-WARNING-MLFilter-line:431 - The package tflite_runtime is not installed! This package is not available on Python 2.
2024/08/10 12:21:31-WARNING-MLFilter-line:432 - ML filtering skipped...
2024/08/10 12:21:31-INFO-DownloadPlatepar-line:25 - Checking for new platepar on the server...
2024/08/10 12:21:31-DEBUG-DownloadPlatepar-line:30 - Establishing SSH connection to:
2024/08/10 12:21:31-INFO-UploadManager-line:73 - Trying ssh-agent key b'cc162fc08dd711074df3e7a7d0f9eea9'
2024/08/10 12:21:31-WARNING-UploadManager-line:82 - ... failed! - Authentication failed.
2024/08/10 12:21:31-INFO-Reprocess-line:75 - Loaded platepar from RMS directory:
2024/08/10 12:21:31-INFO-CheckFit-line:529 - Total calstars: 26308
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<frozen runpy>", line 198, in _run_module_as_main
  File "<frozen runpy>", line 88, in _run_code
  File "/home/bolide/source/RMS/RMS/", line 1174, in <module>
    night_archive_dir = runCapture(config, duration=duration, nodetect=cml_args.nodetect, \
  File "/home/bolide/source/RMS/RMS/", line 530, in runCapture
    night_archive_dir, archive_name, _ = processNight(night_data_dir, config, \
  File "/home/bolide/source/RMS/RMS/", line 202, in processNight
    platepar, fit_status = autoCheckFit(config, platepar, calstars_list)
  File "/home/bolide/source/RMS/RMS/Astrometry/", line 549, in autoCheckFit
    n_matched, avg_dist, cost, _ = matchStarsResiduals(config, platepar, catalog_stars, star_dict, \
  File "/home/bolide/source/RMS/RMS/Astrometry/", line 83, in matchStarsResiduals
    fov_radius = getFOVSelectionRadius(platepar)
  File "/home/bolide/source/RMS/RMS/Astrometry/", line 390, in getFOVSelectionRadius
    _, ra_data, dec_data, _ = xyToRaDecPP(time_data, x_data, y_data, level_data, platepar, \
  File "/home/bolide/source/RMS/RMS/Astrometry/", line 630, in xyToRaDecPP
    RA_data, dec_data = cyXYToRADec(JD_data, np.array(X_data, dtype=np.float64), \
  File "RMS/Astrometry/CyFunctions.pyx", line 1070, in RMS.Astrometry.CyFunctions.cyXYToRADec
TypeError: cyXYToRADec() got multiple values for keyword argument 'refraction'

Anyone else having this issue?

That's very strange, which branch are you running?


The problem is that the refraction parameter is being passed twice: once as part of the platepar object's attributes that are being unpacked, and again as an explicit keyword argument.

Are you running the latest version of the code? The current line numbers don't match to what your error reports.

Argh nope, I'm not. I forgot to uncomment git pull.

Ok, I'm still seeing the issue on prerelease. Reopening.

Anybody else running prerelease in with Multicam? Are you having the same issue?
If I run a test run with no stars, everything is fine. But after an actual night post-processing cannot complete and terminate with this error (I'm not sure why it says line 1070 in CyFunctions, it might be a compiled cython thing?):

2024/08/17 03:35:18-INFO-ApplyRecalibrate-line:688 - MAX -1.8019116466305
2024/08/17 03:35:18-INFO-ApplyRecalibrate-line:415 - Processing: FF_US9992_20240817_030526_760_0000512.fits
2024/08/17 03:35:18-INFO-ApplyRecalibrate-line:416 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<frozen runpy>", line 198, in _run_module_as_main
  File "<frozen runpy>", line 88, in _run_code
  File "/home/bolide/source/RMS/RMS/", line 867, in <module>
    runCapture(config, duration=duration, nodetect=cml_args.nodetect, upload_manager=upload_manager, \
  File "/home/bolide/source/RMS/RMS/", line 530, in runCapture
    night_archive_dir, archive_name, _ = processNight(night_data_dir, config, \
  File "/home/bolide/source/RMS/RMS/", line 228, in processNight
    recalibrated_platepars = recalibrateIndividualFFsAndApplyAstrometry(night_data_dir, \
  File "/home/bolide/source/RMS/RMS/Astrometry/", line 697, in recalibrateIndividualFFsAndApplyAstrometry
    recalibrated_platepars = recalibratePlateparsForFF(
  File "/home/bolide/source/RMS/RMS/Astrometry/", line 437, in recalibratePlateparsForFF
    result, min_match_radius = recalibrateFF(
  File "/home/bolide/source/RMS/RMS/Astrometry/", line 161, in recalibrateFF
    n_matched, avg_dist, cost, _ = CheckFit.matchStarsResiduals(
  File "/home/bolide/source/RMS/RMS/Astrometry/", line 83, in matchStarsResiduals
    fov_radius = getFOVSelectionRadius(platepar)
  File "/home/bolide/source/RMS/RMS/Astrometry/", line 433, in getFOVSelectionRadius
    _, ra_data, dec_data, _ = xyToRaDecPP(time_data, x_data, y_data, level_data, platepar, \
  File "/home/bolide/source/RMS/RMS/Astrometry/", line 673, in xyToRaDecPP
    RA_data, dec_data = cyXYToRADec(JD_data, np.array(X_data, dtype=np.float64), \
  File "RMS/Astrometry/CyFunctions.pyx", line 1070, in RMS.Astrometry.CyFunctions.cyXYToRADec
TypeError: cyXYToRADec() got multiple values for keyword argument 'refraction'

Not sure if it matters, but my setup is currently not running ML due to it not being supported with python 3.12 without the full tensorflow PR.

Solved by cleaning up *.so files. PR #371. Closing.