
I can't upload a jpg or png image using input media

pcarantes opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello, my form has two fields for uploading files, one being a PDF and the other a PNG or JPG.
After making all the settings, the form works correctly to upload a pdf file.
However, the form presents a validation error when I configure the field to collect the user's image.

This is the error that appears in Form records:
Exception: Jet_Form_Builder\Request\Exceptions\Sanitize_Value_Exception
Message: has_errors
Error Place: plugins/jetformbuilder/modules/block-parsers/module.php:134
Data: [
"cartaz_do_evento": [

This is the link to my form:

For the two input fields: PDF and Image png or jpg, it is configured in: User access - Any Users
I used ACF to configure both fields.

Can you help me with this?

Hi @pcarantes

Do you check the MIME types for the media field

Yes, I selected an option. And the error persists.

In subimitions action, I have configured:
Edit Insert/Update Post
And the field is mapped to save the image in I map this field to save in Post Thumbnail. When I choose to save in a Gallery type field, the error does not appear, the file is saved in /uploads/jet-form-builder but is not loaded in the custom post registration.
As for the field that receives the PDF, everything runs normally.

Another condition I tested was:
In subimitions action, I have configured:
Send Email, and I configured the two file fields to add to the form with attachment.
And if the png or jpg image field is mapped to be added to a gallery-type field, the two files are correctly attached to the recipient's message.

I believe this is a bug, when the access condition is: Any user (incl. Gest)

Hello, I just did a new test where I kept all the settings mentioned in previous messages, and with a logged in user. Submit the registration of a new record. And the image was saved correctly as the custom post's featured image.

I believe there is a bug where it is not allowed to record png, jpg images as the post's featured image when I use the feature to submit a new post on the Wordpress frontend. Even if the access condition is: Any user (including Gest)

Hi @pcarantes

If you need the images that were uploaded by guest users to go to the Media Library, follow this way:

  1. Add the 'allow-insert-attachments' custom class to the Media field
    You may add a class with a format, like this:
    allow-insert-attachments-id - if the Media field format is Media ID
    allow-insert-attachments-url - if the Media field format is Media URL
    allow-insert-attachments-both - if the Media field format is Array with Media ID and URL
    If you set no format, it will be set to 'id'

  2. Then add the code below to the Code Snippets plugin or to the functions.php file of your current theme.
    The code works on 3.0.4 + versions only!

  3. Configure the Media field:

You can watch a video tutorial for guidance:

Please be aware that restricting uploads for non-logged-in users is a security measure, so you should avoid allowing them when possible.