

Closed this issue · 8 comments

What is the unit of measure for the radius?

Dont know why im getting System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid. when i run StartMonitoring method.
installed .NETStandard 1.6.1 and Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Location 60.1142.1
not using Shared Project not PCL

Are you passing in the correct data types. I'm not receiving that error?

CrossGeofence.Current.StartMonitoring(new GeofenceCircularRegion("MyRegioan", 31.475085, 74.305833, 200.0) { NotifyOnStay = true, StayedInThresholdDuration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5) });

can you give me the access to your repository?

No, it's private.

You should also move this to a new issue as it's totally unrelated to my question.

bro at which place you are calling StartMonitoring?
p.s sorry for creating noise on your issue

its meters