
never mind

leilei- opened this issue · 7 comments

never mind

Bump mapping was scrapped from the release version of the game. Perhaps @alenl might have a backup of the engine code with bump mapping still included.

I have what I think are the 1.04 sources, but I'm pretty sure this code still exists in the latest. It's called "detail mapping" in the renderer, I think:

I could be wrong, though!

the same scene in motion:

You can close this, but I was going to poke around my original sources more when I had a moment. Consider reopening for now, in case it pans out?

Maybe for a branch in a fork from a much earlier point when the diffs are clearer and the implmentation works... but as far as this repository goes, official engine bumpmaps are dead to me and I am no longer curious about it. it's pounding infinite planes of macrotexture sand at this point, and with this refactoring going on, having code to a legacy scrapped feature is unlikely, and deleting my comments won't change that.

Your comment was deleted because it contained only destructive criticism. Menu system refactoring really had to be done, and nothing else in the engine is a subject for such massive refactoring, at least not in the main branch.

alenl commented

Sorry for the delay guys, my time's been spread thin lately. Anyway, a version of model renderer that supports the original bump mapping is here:

Please let me know if you need anything else. Thanks for you interest in this!