Add a Middleware-aware Router
nietaki opened this issue · 5 comments
The current Raxx.Router
is good, but doesn't allow the users to use middlewares yet. The purpose of this issue is to modify it to start supporting middlewares or create a new one that does.
- allow attaching a list of middlewares to a "range" of routes (different routes need to have different treatment)
- nice (convenient, hard to use wrong, transparent) interface
- make it easy and intuitive to have the middlewares configured at runtime (it's been a thorn in my side and the sides of others with Plug)
- maybe allow attaching a list of middlewares before the routes match (?)
- anything else that I'm missing?
I think we should be able to roughly figure out a good and implementable interface before coding anything too labour-intensive up. I think if we move away from a single use Raxx.Router opts
invocation to use Raxx.Router
and another macro or two, it shouldn't be impossible.
(All the requirements and questions mainly to document my thinking and start a discussion, feel free to disagree)
Additional thoughts, based on the Slack discussions:
Is it important to be able to build and transform routers at runtime?
I don't think so - I don't see a use-case for it and I'm afraid if we wanted to do it we might end up with a weird implementation
Is there a better way of defining the routes than matching on the requests?
Maybe, but I like matching on requests a lot - it's very easy to understand and surprisingly powerful. The only thing I dislike about it is that it's so verbose that the code formatter sometimes
ends up wrapping the lines with router entries, making them less readable. For example a route like
{%{method: :GET, path: ["users", _id, "contact_preferences"]}, UserPage},
could be replaced with a less verbose line with a very similar expressive power:
{{:GET, ["users", _id, "contact_preferences"]}, UserPage},
My initial thoughts are along the lines of this:
defmodule Foo.WWW do
use Raxx.Router
# different ways to define the middlewares for different sections
@compile_time_middlewares [{Foo.Static, "/some/path"}]
def api_pipeline() do
allowed_token = System.get_env("ALLOWED_TOKEN")
[{Foo.TokenAuthentication, [allowed_token: allowed_token]}]
def configurable_pipeline(options_passed_to_current_module) do
foo = Keyword.get(options_passed_to_current_module, :foo, :bar)
[{Foo.BusinessSpecificMiddleware, [foo: foo]}]
# routes
section &api_pipeline/0, [
{%{method: :GET, path: ["users", _id, "contact_preferences"]}, UserPreferences},
section [
{%{method: :GET, path: ["dashboard", "user_statistics"]}, Dashboard},
section @compile_time_middlewares, [
{%{method: :GET, path: []}, Foo.HomePage},
{_, Foo.NotFoundPage}
So in general:
- routes are grouped in sections (there might be a better name), and middleware pipelines are set per section.
- by the default middlewares list is an empty list
- the middlewares can be passed either as a list that's established at compile time, or a function that will be executed at runtime to return them
I'm not married to this idea, this is a jump-off point from my side.
My idea was to modify the tuple to include middlewares.
{%{method: :GET, path: ["users", _id, "contact_preferences"]}, UserPreferences, middlewares},
Although this is a very small change I no longer think it is a good idea:
- it is very verbose, as it needs to be applied to every route
- Supports compiletime only, unless middlewares was a function returning a list but that would be even more verbose.
For the above proposal:
- I like the introduction of sections, name is fine for me
- I would not (yet) separate configurable from unconfigurable stacks (would call them stacks instead of pipelines.
I would pass the options to all functions the same e.g. ignore when need be.# def api_pipeline() do def api_stack(_options) do
All good points. I like the standardisation of the middlewares creation functions to /1
I need to get my mind away from the word "pipeline" in general :D
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