
Cannot use with Ember 3.20.2

LaliAz opened this issue · 1 comments

LaliAz commented

Hi! I installed Ember Velcro latest version. My Ember app version is 3.20.2.
In my template I added, as per documentation, the lines below:

<div id="hook">The `reference` element (the hook)</div>
<div {{velcro "#hook"}}>The `floating` element (the loop)</div>

I get

Uncaught TypeError: Ember._helperManagerCapabilities is not a function


  <Velcro as |velcro|>
  <div {{velcro.hook}}>Velcro hook</div>
  <div {{velcro.loop}}>Velcro loop stuck to Velcro hook!</div>
  {{log "velcro data"}}

I get

velcro.hook is not a valid name for a modifier on line 18.

I tried adding ember modifier in package.json, but nothing changed.

Any ideas why this might be happening? Maybe Ember version is not compatible?


Looks like the readme is wrong.

Minimum tested version is 3.28: