
Start all (systemnodes and masternodes) should warn and query before starting a running node

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Please answer the following questions.

Which version of Crown are you using? (QT or Daemon) Please include the version number.

Crown-qt v0.12.3.0-da38c36 (32-bit)

Please describe the expected behavior.

Start All (and Start Alias) should warn the user if an already running node is about to be restarted and ask if they really want to do that or if they're happy to miss out on potentially several days' rewards.

Please describe the actual behavior.

Start All blithely does what it was asked to do. Any already running nodes will get their active timer reset to 0 and go to the end of the reward queue. For a systemnode the user misses out on several days worth of rewards.

Use the debug.log in your data directory if possible. Running Crown with debug=1 in your crown.conf will provide even more information.

Nothing gets logged.

Any steps to reproduce the behavior?

Click Start All in the systemnodes tab with an already running node. Lose several days rewards.

Please add your crown.conf file

(be sure to exclude or anonymize private data (tokens/passwords))


Please add your masternode.conf if necessary.

(be sure to exclude or anonymize private data (tokens/passwords))


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