IIITS Council Website Backend

Cloning the project

  • Run command git clone https://github.com/Gradient-IIITS/IIIT-Council-Backend.git and movie in the repository

  • Create a virtual environment env in the repository (use virtualenv, etc)

  • Activate virtual environment

    Windows: .\env\Scripts\activate
    Ubuntu/Linux: source env/bin/activate

    Install the requirements

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Setup postgreSQL database

  • Run python manage.py check to check any errors

  • Run python manage.py makemigrations to make the migrations

  • un python manage.py migrate to update the database schema

Setup postgreSQL

  1. Install postgreSQL and configure it. (Set postgres password, Note down the PORT, etc).

  2. Start postgreSQL shell and create a new user user1 .

    CREATE USER user1 WITH PASSWORD 'password';
  3. Edit properties to optimize queries (optional)

    ALTER ROLE user1 SET client_encoding TO 'utf8';
    ALTER ROLE user1 SET default_transaction_isolation TO 'read committed';
    ALTER ROLE user1 SET timezone TO 'UTC';
  4. Create a new database named iiits_council and give user1 the access using the following command

     CREATE DATABASE iiits_council
         OWNER = user1
         ENCODING = 'UTF8'
         CONNECTION LIMIT = -1;
     GRANT ALL ON DATABASE iiits_council TO user1;