

Opened this issue · 0 comments

Wanted to move the TODOs from the Readme to an issue

All template requests can go here CryogenicPlanet/tsdev-templates#1

Some of these might happen sooner than others. If you want something to be prioritized make an issue

  • [] Monorepo support, automatically bootstrap monorepos
  • [] Support for publishConfig beyond just pnpm. This is super useful for typescript packages in monorepos
  • [] Add basic CI setup for github actions (with all three package managers)
  • Add defaults for publishing normal non-react packages
  • [] Allow overwriting or extending eslint configs
  • [] Add graphql template using tsgql. This will be graphql without having to write any graphql code at all, just typescript.
  • [] Add prisma batteries
  • [] Add support for all nextjs examples from
  • tsdev filename Automatically run any .ts or .tsx file with zero config
    • The .ts part of this is easy, it is basically what tsdev dev filename is
    • The .tsx part is a bit more complicated, and will require making a custom version of vite that just runs file without a config file or a .html file or having to use react-dom yourself
  • [] Make vite default template use filesystem routing
  • [] Clone bun run feature to allow really fast npm run commands
  • [] Add support for bun once it becomes more stable