
No progress bar is displayed

q629988171 opened this issue · 3 comments

Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS
PyCharm 2023.3.4 (Community Edition)
Python 3.8.10

The duration of input.mp4 has been detected as 144.033 seconds.

from better_ffmpeg_progress import FfmpegProcess

# Pass a list of FFmpeg arguments, like you would if using
process = FfmpegProcess(["ffmpeg", "-i", "input.mp4", "output.avi"])
# Use the run method to run the FFmpeg command.

Same problem here, on google colab. No progress bar is displayed, only the duration of my input video. @q629988171 you found a solution?

@q629988171 @stephanedebove Fixed in v2.1.3, you can upgrade Better FFmpeg Progress to the latest version with pip3 install better-ffmpeg-progress --upgrade and you should no longer run into this issue. Let me know if this is not the case.

Yes it works now thanks!