
Provide Test Suite for C and Python

deepbrook opened this issue · 0 comments

Implement tests for C and Python code base.

C Tests

  • TestCreateDummyTree
  • TestOrderPushing
  • TestOrderPopping
  • TestRemoveOrder
  • TestCreateRoot
  • TestAddNewLimit
  • TestLimitExists
  • TestLimitIsRoot
  • TestHasGrandpa
  • TestGetGrandpa
  • TestGetMaximumLimit
  • TestGetMinimumLimit
  • TestGetHeight
  • TestGetBalanceFactor
  • TestReplaceLimitInParent
  • TestRemoveLimit
  • TestRotateLL
  • TestRotateLR
  • TestRotateRR
  • TestRotateRL

Python Tests

Cython-bound C function tests:

  • TestOrderPushing
  • TestOrderPopping
  • TestRemoveOrder
  • TestAddNewLimit
  • TestRemoveLimit

Python Functions and Methods:

  • TestCreateBook
  • TestUpdateBook
  • TestDeleteOrder
  • TestAddOrder
  • TestAddLimit
  • TestRemoveLimit