1. Upgradable Contract Design

2. Proxy Contract Design

3. Deployment and Update Process


  1. Deploy UpgradableContract and obtain the contract address 0xContractAddress1.
  2. Deploy ProxyContract, passing 0xContractAddress1 as a parameter to the constructor, and obtain the proxy contract address 0xProxyContractAddress.

Functionality Update:

  1. Design a new version of the contract, UpgradableContractV2.sol, which includes additional functionality such as retrieving the square of the stored integer value.
  2. Deploy UpgradableContractV2 and obtain the new contract address 0xContractAddress2.
  3. Call the upgrade method of the proxy contract, passing 0xContractAddress2 as the new implementation address:


Now, the proxy contract points to the new version of the contract, enabling users to interact with the updated functionality while maintaining the same proxy contract address.

This process allows for seamless updates to the contract's functionality without changing the contract address, enhancing flexibility and maintainability in decentralized applications.