- This is the part that would be running on the VR Goggles (RPi server / Phone)
- To Get The Code:
git clone --branch HUD https://CryptoidCoder/Py-Glasses.git
- This is the part that runs object detection
- To Get The Code:
git clone --branch Detection https://CryptoidCoder/Py-Glasses.git
- This is the part that has all of my test scripts, and other peoples repos - that I was taking inspiration from
- To Get The Code:
git clone --branch Testing https://CryptoidCoder/Py-Glasses.git
Generally there is a
file, so run the following command to get all the modules: -
pip install -r requirements.txt
you will often have to create
files with api keys etc in them -
There should alwasy be a README.md file that will explain anything else though.
Py-Glasses are me trying to use python and openCV to create a sort of smart glasses thing. This is the varient where I am using object detection to do things. There is another repository wher there is a text overlay as a sort of HUD.
This will mainly be centred around a VR headset (The type you put your phone into) and a Raspberry Pi zero W
Ideas so far:
Use camera(s) on the front of the headset to relay the live images to a webpage,
The webpage will display the images in the correct format for the phone to see and use in the headset,
Information will be added to those images,
And object detection will be used to point out things like stop signs, other people etc.
Once this is all working, I will try to encorporate my python vitual assistant into it,
This will probably be controlled by a ring (or something like it) with a joystick.
you will need to download some things in some places, in the branch is a README.md file, it will contain the links to anything you may need to download.
I do not think that there are any requirements.txt files, however there may be, if you are getting import errors, let me know and I can let you know what you need to pip install, otherwise just google the errors.