
World Generation

Opened this issue · 9 comments

World Generation consumes custom made worlds. Needs some sort of feature that uses the Custom world and generates stuff out from it. Example: I have a Mars world that is about the size of The End world maybe a little bigger, but everything out from it is empty space. The empty space is where I would want the space plugin to generate without generating over the custom made world. This would be helpful for designated spawn locations in the generated space worlds.

Hi @budopey, how did you try generating your world? Was it through the bukkit.yml or with Multiverse?

iffa commented

You could delete the chunks that are not part of your designed spawn location, and let the plugin regenerate them on next server start

I use multiverse with the cleanroomgenerator mod for empty worlds because it allows me to use custom built worlds and generate blank space out from it so I have more control of what players can do within the world maps.

The methods I use are as follows

  • /mvcreate mars normal -g CleanroomGenerator:.
  • shut down server replace the generated mars world with the custom mars world
  • edit settings for the world via multiverse
  • boot server /mvtp mars /mvconfirm
  • mars world is there and functions like it should
  • shut down & install crystalspace, set mars to spaceworlds
  • boot server, login and the world is completely different with what was there previously

Is there a way to increase visibility in the space worlds for admin reasons? I want to be able to remove the intense darkness for admin so they can pinpoint issues easier/faster.

@budopey: Did you modify anything in your bukkit.yml for world generation? I've never had it delete any of my worlds in testing. O.o

As for the visibility, just use a Night Vision potion.

@iffa I do have the outside chunks deleted with the custom mars world. Only the chunks where the mars world is located load in MCEdit. Everything outside is not in use and shaded out. I will try it again though and see how the new world looks under MCEdit as well.

@jflory7 Is it safe to change the world from normal to the_end in multiverse for spaceworlds? Or should I leave it as normal?

Also @jflory7 No, I don't touch the bukkit.yml or spigot.yml and use Spigot 1.8.3. I only ever used multiverse for world generating besides for the main world. Would I need to disable world generation through bukkit since its being handled through multiverse? No, I have not provided world generation through bukkit. I just read about it and I would rather use multiverse for its range of settings.

Okay I loaded the world in MCEdit after using it as a spaceworld and it shows no changes made and looks exactly as it did before I used it as a spaceworld in Crystalspace. So the worlds there I just can't seem to find it because of how dark it is. I have used night vision but I still couldn't find anything besides some odd looking structure with a giant alien statue on it.

I wouldn't advise changing the world generation to an End world. It's probably best to leave it as the overworld.

The only reason I mention the bukkit.yml is because you can also handle specific world generation inside of it, as explained here. For the generator, I type CrystalSpace:<insert your profile here>.

And I can't say anything you've described in MCEdit makes any sense to me. :(

I think the generator will not automatically generate the outer chunk without any player go to.
So i use Worldborder , set a Border to my needs and make a fill.
CrystalSpace does it well in my testserver.