
Additional Contact Plugins for "author-box-reloaded-pack" Plugin

Primary LanguagePHP

Additional contact plugins for "author-box-reloaded-pack" Wordpress plugin [1].
Now you can define links to Flickr, Github and Skype to your author box.

"author-box-2" (aka "author-box-reloaded") [2] and "author-box-reloaded-pack"
are required to be installed.

Copy all files to "<wordpress>/plugins/author-box-reloaded-pack". Login to your
Wordpress installation and activate one ore more plugins of your choice. Open
your personal user profile and insert the user id for your social networks.

Also see [3] for detailed installation instruction.

[1] http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/author-box-reloaded-pack
[2] http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/author-box-2
[3] http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/author-box-reloaded-pack/installation/