
How to improve your test

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First off, the answers need to be in a larger font size; it was hard for me to read them. You should probably also use a multiple choice format instead of a drop-down list.

Here are my thoughts about each question:

  1. Too many answers
  2. Needs to be reworded. Perhaps "How should minorities be treated?"
  3. Too many answers
  4. The first answer seems to conflate anti-discrimination laws with hate speech laws
  5. The first and third answers are too similar
  6. I chose "no opinion" because the answers are too black-and-white; I believe in balancing punishment with rehabilitation
  7. The answers don't talk about the border, and the third answer is more of a sentiment than an actual policy position
  8. Too many answers
  9. The question should be shortened to "What is most important?" The first answer should be "equality of outcome", the second should be "individual rights", and the third should be "preserving our culture and values" — or something along those lines.
  10. The first and third answers are too similar
  11. Same as above