
metabot it's simple bash script using masscan and cron job and metasploit to find vulnerability hosts scheduling

Primary LanguageShell


metabot it's simple bash script using masscan and cron job and metasploit to find vulnerability hosts scheduling


metabot mix between cron job and metasploit and masscan

in this line in bash script :

masscan -p #target_port --rate=99999 --exclude -oX smb.xml

we use masscan with port he have vulnerability in metasploit like smb port "445" a most vulnerability Spread its ms17_010 and we hvae auxiliary module scanner in metasploit we can scanning lots hosts like "4,000,000" opening ports 445 with range "" this means scan all ips world with rate "99999" here you need bandiwth with rate at least 30m upload

in this line in bash script :

cat smb.xml | grep addr | cut -d '"' -f 4 > ips.txt

here i use cat and grep and cut to do filtering for lists ips from smb.xml to plain text ip "ips.txt"

in this line in bash script :

msfconsole -x 'setg RHOSTS file:ips.txt; setg THREADS 400; setg RPORT #target_port; use #auxiliary_meta_module_to_find_hosts_vulberability; run; exit;'

we use metasploit with multi commands with option -x

setg RHOSTS file:ips.txt : this command for set file name ips.txt from previous line in bash for all modules in metasploit

setg THREADS 400 : here we use threads to speed a more hosts in same time but make sure you enough space from memory

setg RPORT #target_port : here set port in #target_port to scanning him for all modules

use #auxiliary_meta_module_to_find_hosts_vulberability : here use module name do you need usege like auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_ms17_010

run : run module

exit : quit from metasploit

all hosts vulerabilit its saved in database in hosts command and make sure you run database and msfdb (service postgresql start && msfdb init)

now we cat use script with cronjob to scheduling every time you need

to add schedule for starting script use this command "crontab -e" and you can add new schedule like

0 9 * * * /root/metabot.sh this mean in crontab start script every day At the hour 9 AM

0 */35 * * * /root/metabot.sh this mean in crontab start script every 35 hour Carelessly time date

you can use multi scheduling with site crontab
