Wave display is cut when display the movement on a full phone screen width (tested on iphone 7plus)
Tojonirina4 opened this issue · 3 comments
Tojonirina4 commented
When displaying the wave on a full screen (tested on iphone 7plus) It seems that the continuation of the wave image is cut, interrupted.
Could you please advise?
Thank you
CubeSugar commented
Could you show me some demo codes or some screenshot of test ?
So I can fingure out workdarounds on v1.x and check this issue for next version (v2.0.0).
Tojonirina4 commented
Sorry, my bad. Caused by a padding on the container. Removed it and it's ok now :)
Closing the issue
CubeSugar commented
Glad to hear that u solve the issue. :)