

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Nobody (else) knows how anything works in this dumb mod, fix it someday already.

I could spend some time helping to upgrade the wiki, but I don't know if that's something you can share access with me? At least not without making me a co-owner of the mod.

I appreciate the offer! I'll check out what I can do as far as allowing edit access when I get the chance.

Also happy to help upgrade the wiki!

OK, I've offered collaborator status to you both on the repository, if I understand correctly, if you accept it, then this should give you access to editing the Wiki.

I just please ask do not use this status to push changes to the code base without asking first. Thank you very much for your help!

Understood, I will have no issue w/ that.

Can do, thank you!

Let me know in this issue conversation if anything comes up. I'd be glad to help out if you need anything from me.

Anything I'd written prior is up for rewriting, correcting for the current version, or even just redoing altogether if you want. Be my guest, no hard feelings here.

Just as a heads up: I'm thinking of overhauling many of the crafting recipes and also to have many basic elements of terumet mesh with basic_materials.

So, don't go to much effort of listing crafting recipes in the wiki, at least not yet.

Major changes are complete, so feel free to reference recipes now that they have been updated.